To study the impact of control shed conditions on milk production

Pakistan is ranked among the top five world milk production countries in the world. However the average milk production from a single dairy animal is seven times lower than the other developed countries. Despite the genetic differences, management and technologies are the major reasons for low milk production in the country. The better management and installing the latest technologies in the shed can provide the environment which can enhance the milk production. A case study was conducted in province Punjab of Pakistan to investigate the impact of control shed conditions on relative humidity and temperature of shed and ultimate effect of relative humidity and temperature on milk production. In these two sheds, one shed was kept under normal environmental conditions whereas temperature and humidity at the other shed was controlled by cooling systems. The main components of the cooling system were exhaust, ceiling fans and sprinkler which were used to control the temperature and humidity within the shed between optimum limits of 27°C to 33°C and 60 to 70%, respectively. Digital hygrometer was used for measuring relative humidity and temperature. The results indicated that 60 minutes of watering can increase 1 liter of milk from 5 cows in one day. By an extra 60 minutes of watering, 1 liter milk per day during the summer can be achieved. Moreover the results showed that sprinklers should deliver large drops to wet cows on their skins.
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