Structural requirements of Rhizobium chitolipooligosaccharides for uptake and bioactivity in legume roots as revealed by synthetic analogs and fluorescent probes

Rhizobium chitolipooligosaccharides (CLOSs) are heterogeneous fatty acylated N-acetyl glucosamine oligomers with variations in both the polar (hydrophilic) oligosaccha- ride head group and the non-polar (hydrophobic) fatty acyl chain. They trigger root hair deformation and cortical cell di- visions in legume roots during development of the nitrogen- fixing root-nodule symbiosis. It has been proposed that only certain unique molecular species of CLOSs made by a particu- lar rhizobia can elicit these responses on the corresponding legume host, suggesting that receptor-mediated perception of CLOSs serves as a basis of symbiotic specificity. We evaluated the relative symbiotic importance of the hydrophilic and hy- drophobic structural domains of CLOSs by comparing the bi- ological activities of CLOSs from wild type R leguminosarum bv. trijolii ANU843 with that of various synthetic analogs. These tests were performed in axenic bioassays on the compat- ible symbiotic host, white clover (Trijolium repens) and the in- compatible non-host legume, alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Fluoro- chrome-tagged derivatives of the native CLOSs and the analogs were also prepared in order to evaluate the uptake and localization patterns of these molecules within host root cells. The results indicate a direct link between uptake and biological activities of Rhizobium CLOSs on legume roots. The smallest CLOS analog taken up and biologically active on white clover and alfalfa was a N-fatty acylglucosamine, without an essential requirement of oligomerization, fatty N-acyl un- saturation, or acetate/sulfate functiona1ization.l This sug- gests that N-fattyacylglucosamine is the common minimum structure required and sufficient for uptake and biological ac- tivity of CLOS glycolipids in these legumes, and that the vari- ous specific modifications of its polar head group and hy- drophobic tail modulate its inherent ability to further express these activities, thus influencing which legumes are capable of responding to CLOSs rather than dictating their biological Rhizobium leguminosamm biovar trifolii-le-
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