Identifying inhibitors of queuine modification of tRNA in cultured cells

Abstract Altered queuine modification of tRNA has been associated with cellular development, differentiation, and neoplastic transformation. Present methods of evaluating agents for their ability to induce queuine hypomodification of tRNA are tedious, time-consuming, and not readily amenable to examining cell-type or tissue specificity. Therefore, a rapid, small-scale assay was developed to identify agents that alter queuine modification of tRNA in cultured cells. Monolayer cultures (2 cm 2 ) of Chinese hamster embryo cells depleted of queuine for 24 h were evaluated for their ability to incorporate [ 3 H]dihydroqueuine into acid precipitable material (tRNA) in the presence and absence of potential inhibitors. Known inhibitors of the queuine modification enzyme tRNA-guanine ribosyltransferase (e.g., 7-methylguanine, 6-thioguanine, and 8-azaguanine) were very effective in blocking incorporation of the radiolabel, and the dose-dependent results exhibited small standard deviations in independent experiments. The data indicate that the method is rapid, reliable, and potentially useful with a variety of cell types.
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