Maps on the web: Cartographic approach using open-source technologies

Since the 1990´s, GIS applications originated a wide variety of new applications as a result of new technologies upgrowth. Converting raw data into useful information has become a reality and maps and cartographic products are ideal devices to organize, present, communicate and use the increasing amount of information that is becoming available. Some authors point out, the use of maps have increased in the Internet and this growth exceeds the Internet growth tax itself. This development is explained, in parts, by globalization,  which is a phenomenon that foresees the integration world-wide, in social, economic and cultural aspects, which supports that prove that the Internet is each time more included in Cartography, given the existence of a new paradigm in the cartographic production process. This article presents achieve for presenting webmapping tools focusing on a set of open-source softwares (mapServer and  ka-Map),  emphasizing the role of cartographic science in this context.
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