In Vitro Tetraploid Induction and Its Identification in Anthurium andraeanum

Calli were employed to establish the technical system of tetraploid induction in Anthurium andraeanum by using colchicine treatment method.The results showed that the induction rate of tetraploid in vitro depended on treatment method,concentration of colchicine and duration of treatment.The lower the concentration of colchicine was,the higher the induction rate was.At the same concentration of colchicine,the induction rate of tetraploid using liquid culture was higher than that using solid culture,and the longer the duration of treatment was,the higher the induction rate was.The highest induction rate of tetraploid,45.5%,was obtained from the calli cultured in the liquid medium supplemented with 0.2 g·L-1 colchicine for 14 d on a rotator.The induction rate was not affected by genotype.Tetraploid of Anthurium andraeanum was characterized by larger and thicker leaves and spathes with deeper color and larger size of pollen,anther and plant.Its length of stomatal cell on lower epidermis leaf cell was longer than that of diploid,while the density of stomata was less than that of diploid.This indicated that tetraploids of Anthurium andraeanum could be produced by colchicine treatment and accurately determined by the improved squash method,the length of stomatal cell and the density of stomata.
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