Kształcenie zdalne na uczelniach wyższych. Analiza badań w czasie pandemii Sars CoV-2 na przykładzie Kujawsko-Pomorskiej Szkoły Wyższej w Bydgoszczy

The coronavirus (COVID-19) infection in 2020-2021 has become a major public health problem worldwide. Specific pandemic restrictions introduced distance learning in schools and colleges. The remote teaching model provoked reflection on education also at universities. This study is therefore an analysis of research carried out among students of the Kujawy and Pomorze University in Bydgoszcz. The conclusions mainly concern the problems encountered during the teaching process, the benefits, advantages and disadvantages of the teaching methods. Attention was paid to the preparation of professors, cultural development, relations between students and teachers. The message of the research highlights both the positive aspects and the shortcomings of the current education system at universities and tries to discuss education in the perspective of “today”, “tomorrow” and “the day after tomorrow”.
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