Dinâmica de ninho de Arara-azul-de-lear (Anodorhynchus leari Bonaparte, 1856) em Jeremoabo, Bahia

ABSTRACT. Dynamics of Indigo-macaw nest (Anodorhynchus leari Bonaparte, 1856) in Jeremoabo, Bahia. Among the birds mentioned as threatened of extinction, the Indigo-Macaw (Anodorhinchus leari) is in the 112nd position in the World and 16th in Brazil, being considered “critically threatened”. It is an endemic species of the Northeast caatinga of Bahia, just happening in the Raso da Catarina, where two overnight roosting points are known: Toca Velha (in Canudos) and Serra Branca (in Jeremoabo). These birds shelter in the faces, that serve as overnight roosting point and nesting area. A nest was chosen in arboreal caatinga area, in Saco do Araca (09o54’S 38o41’W), Serra Branca farm, Municipal district of Jeremoabo, Bahia. Were used “focal animal” observations between January and March of 2004. The observed behaviors were logged in certain spreadsheet, being the focus of the observation the location of the macaws, besides the events practiced by them. It was totaled 332 hours of observation, being 236 in the morning and 96 in the afternoon, in a maximum of 30 minutes by hour. The place where the macaws stayed more time was inside of the nest, following for entrance of the nest, area of the nest and out of the area of the nest. Possibly, this permanence inside of the nest it is due to the fact of being the reproduction period, between the incubation periods and parental care, staying at least an individual of the couple protecting the nest of any invaders, being perceptible an increase of the frequency of observations of macaws in this place in elapsing of the morning, decreasing in the afternoon, apparently favorite period for the foraging. The permanence of the macaws in the entrance of the nest coincides with the schedules of larger activity of several species in the area, also in the morning, sending us to the behavior of individual watch that it is intense during the reproductive period It was confirmed that, relative to the care with the nest and parental, the behavior of this species doesn’t differ a lot of the other Psittacidae, being the maintenance the behavior that presented the largest frequency and constancy. KEY WORDS. Behavior, nesting, Psittacidae RESUMO. Dinâmica de ninho de Arara-azul-de-lear (Anodorhynchus leari Bonaparte, 1856) em Jeremoabo, Bahia. Dentre as aves citadas como ameacadas de extincao, a Arara-azul-de-lear Bonaparte, 1856 (Anodorhynchus leari) encontra-se na 112a posicao no Mundo e 16a no Brasil, sendo considerada “criticamente ameacada”. E uma especie endemica do sertao do Nordeste da Bahia, ocorrendo apenas no Raso da Catarina, onde sao conhecidos dois dormitorios: Toca Velha (em Canudos) e Serra Branca (em Jeremoabo). Estas aves costumam abrigar-se nos paredoes, que servem de dormitorio e area de nidificacao. Foi escolhido um ninho em uma area de caatinga arborea, localizada no Saco do Araca (09o54’S 38o41’W), Fazenda Serra Branca, Municipio de Jeremoabo, Bahia, onde foram realizadas observacoes tipo “animal focal” entre janeiro e marco de 2004, com planilha pre-determinada, sendo o foco da observacao a localizacao das araras, alem dos eventos praticados por elas. Totalizou-se 332 horas de observacao, sendo 236 pela manha e 96 a tarde, num maximo de 30min/hora. O local onde as araras permaneceram mais tempo foi dentro do ninho, seguido por entrada do ninho, area do ninho e fora da area do ninho. Possivelmente, esta permanencia dentro do ninho deve-se ao fato de ser o periodo de reproducao, entre os periodos de incubacao e cuidado parental, permanecendo pelo menos um individuo do casal protegendo o ninho de quaisquer invasores, sendo perceptivel um aumento da frequencia de observacoes de araras neste local no decorrer da manha, diminuindo a tarde, periodo aparentemente preferido para o forrageamento. A permanencia das araras na entrada do ninho coincide com os horarios de maior atividade de diversas especies na area, tambem pela manha, nos remetendo ao comportamento de vigia individual que e intensa durante o periodo reprodutivo. Foi confirmado que, relativo ao cuidado com o ninho e parental, o comportamento desta especie nao difere muito dos demais psitacideos, sendo a manutencao o comportamento que apresentou maior frequencia e constância. PALAVRAS CHAVE. Comportamento, nidificacao, Psittacidae
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