The Effects of Light and Gravity on the Horizontal Curvature of Roots of Gravitropic and Agravitropic Arabidopsis thaliana L

In an attempt to study and distinguish the effects of light and gravity on the direction of horizontal root growth, wild-type and an agravitropic mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana L., aux-1 were examined. The mutant aux-1 seedling roots are agravitropic but do respond to light, thus allowing the effects of light and gravity on roots to be studied separately. It is shown that in addition to the recognized negative phototropic and positive gravitropic responses of the root, there are also horizontal curvatures (clockwise or counterclockwise) induced by both unilateral light and gravity. The effects of light and gravity in inducing the horizontal curvature of roots are synergistic when both act in the same direction, and are antagonistic when acting in opposite directions. The results indicate that light and gravity interact to determine the direction and magnitude of the horizontal curvature of roots.
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