Hypoxia-induced synthesis of respiratory nitrate reductase 2 of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) depends on the histidine kinase OsdK in mycelium but not in spores

The three nitrate reductases (Nar) of the saprophytic aerobic actinobacterium Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) contribute to survival when oxygen becomes limiting. In the current study, we focused on synthesis of the Nar2 enzyme, which is the main Nar enzyme present and active in exponentially growing mycelium. Synthesis of Nar2 can, however, also be induced in spores after extended periods of anoxic incubation. The osdRK genes (oxygen stress and development) were recently identified to encode a two-component system important for expression of the nar2 operon in mycelium. OsdK is a predicted histidine kinase and we show here that an osdK mutant completely lacks Nar2 enzyme activity in mycelium. Recovery of Nar2 enzyme activity was achieved by re-introduction of the osdRK genes into the mutant on an integrative plasmid. In anoxically incubated spores, however, the osdK mutant retained the ability to synthesize NarG2, the catalytic subunit of Nar2. We could also demonstrate that synthesis of NarG2 in spores occurred only under hypoxic conditions; anoxia, as well as O2 concentrations significantly higher than 1 % in the gas-phase, failed to result in induction of NarG2 synthesis. Together, these findings indicate that, although Nar2 synthesis in both mycelium and spores is induced by oxygen limitation, different mechanisms control these processes and only Nar2 synthesis in mycelium is under the control of the OsdKR two-component system.
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