P49 Internal medicine training simulation: beyond the realms of resuscitation and procedures

The arrival of the new Internal Medicine Training (IMT) curriculum has shifted focus from knowledge based assessments towards capabilities in practice (CiP) and generic capabilities in practice (GCP). These focus on non-technical professional skills and medical leadership, providing an opportunity for Simulation Based Education (SBE) to support IMT development and experience. The benefits of SBE are far beyond traditional skills and drills training (such as resuscitation and procedures), as previously touted. We present our new IMT SIM training programme at the end of its pilot year. The scenario design and content maps to the IMT curriculum, layering common medical inpatient and outpatient scenarios with varying levels of complex non-technical human factor themes and professional skills. To date, 17 Core Medical Training (CMT) Doctors have completed the pilot IMT SIM programme. Likert scales (figure 1) and unstructured qualitative questions were assessed from returned surveys, with key quotes and feedback summarised below. ‘This was a great opportunity to experience varied scenarios in a safe environment – the scenarios were extremely relevant to everyday practice.’ – Candidate ‘The scenarios, although difficult, were a good mix of practical and communication skills.’ – Candidate ‘There were different layers to each scenario and it was not straight forward medicine.’ - Candidate The pilot year of IMT SIM has highlighted the benefit of SBE in providing training in the non-technical aspects of clinical practice, and should not be limited to resuscitation and procedural training only. Our IMT SIM programme encourages medical leadership and professional development which is fundamental when progressing towards higher speciality training. As a result of the success of this pilot year, our faculty is now expanding IMT SIM, with separate IMT year 1, 2 and 3 sessions in development, which are to be delivered regionally. References Curriculum for Internal Medicine Stage 1 Training, Joint Royal College of PhysiciansTraining Board, May 2019
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