Will Parent t raining Reduce abuse, enhance development, and save money? let's Find out

More than 3 million American children are investigated for child maltreatment each year, and 800,000 children—about one in every hundred—are identified by state agencies as having been abused or neglected. More than 1,500 children die as a result of this maltreatment. The damage to children is most often inflicted by their parents—many, if not most, of whom are overwhelmed by a sense of parental frustration and failure. Indeed, the problem of difficult relationships between parents and children extends far beyond the millions of parents and children who come to the attention of child protection officials each year. Child maltreatment, the most extreme outcome of poor parenting, seriously impairs the mental health and disrupts the development of children. But research shows that parenting that is problematic without reaching the level of maltreatment can also lead to seriously negative educational and mental health outcomes for children.
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