A universal Schwarzian sector in two-dimensional conformal field theories

We show that an extremely generic class of two-dimensional conformal field theories (CFTs) contains a sector described by the Schwarzian theory. This applies to theories with no additional symmetries and large central charge, but does not require a holographic dual. Specifically, we use bootstrap methods to show that in the grand canonical ensemble, at low temperature with a chemical potential sourcing large angular momentum, the density of states and correlation functions are determined by the Schwarzian theory, up to parametrically small corrections. In particular, we compute out-of-time-order correlators in a controlled approximation. For holographic theories, these results have a gravitational interpretation in terms of large, near-extremal rotating BTZ black holes, which have a near horizon throat with nearly AdS$_2 \times S^1$ geometry. The Schwarzian describes strongly coupled gravitational dynamics in the throat, which can be reduced to Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) gravity interacting with a $U(1)$ field associated to transverse rotations, coupled to matter. We match the physics in the throat to observables at the AdS$_3$ boundary, reproducing the CFT results.
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