Fibrolipoma of floor of the mouth of 20 years of duration

Intraoral solitary lipomas are very rare. In spite of under reporting, lipomas outnumber any other benign or malignant soft-tissue tumors by a considerable margin and represent the most common soft-tissue tumor. Fibrolipoma is a rare histologic variant of classic lipoma. In this paper, we have reported a rare case of solitary fibrolipoma of the oral cavity of 20 years of duration, with atypical histopathological features. In histopathology of case Lochkern cells were noted, these are atypical for usual fibroliopmas. Many lipomas remain unrecorded or are brought to the attention of a physician only if they reach a large size or cause cosmetic problems or complications due to proximity to vital structures. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first case of such long presentation of 20 years.
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