Efficiency of Professionally Applied Physical Preparation Program and Its Influence on the Psychophysiological Function Level of Students Studying "Micro- and Nanoelectronics"

IntroductionEnsuring a high level of professional readiness is always the focus of many scientists defined industry sector [1-2]. However, today there is a critical situation in the students physical preparation, which is in the contradiction between the level of social demands to future professionals psychophysiological condition and students physical preparation efficiency, which is providing the ability of graduates to effectively solve the problem of professional activity [6-17].Several researches of the national scientists indicate that today continues scientific inquiry to provide effective preparation in universities, directed to research of ways to improve students physical preparation. In particular, the issues of methods and forms of learning using various sports [9], program and normative maintenance ensuring of preparation [10], preparation technologies [13], control [12], methodical and data support [8], research of their effectiveness [7], scientific-theoretical background [6, 8] discussed, job profile diagrams of certain specialties developed [8-10].Attempts to closely associate process of physical and mental professionals training is an important feature of some authors researches in the defined direction [1, 15, 16]. The problem of psychological principles of formation professionally important qualities become a milestone towards the development of professionals vocational training [8]. According to some authors [1, 2, 6, 14], physiological characteristics of professional activity also largely determine the preparation direction. Exploring of these features will identify sensory, motor and volition skills, physical and mental qualities, functioning and reliability levels of separate organs and systems, which are necessary for successful work.However, we have not met thoroughly researches, which explored the students studying on the educational direction "Micro- and nanoelectronics" quantitative psychophysiological functions changes throughout the period of study at the university. The fragmented study of the students of the designated profession physical training problem dictated the choice of research topic and have a significant theoretical and practical interest.The mentioned defines the scientific of challenge lack of elaboration of physical preparation methodological and practical aspects in the direction "Micro- and nanoelectronics".Material and methodsResearch goal is to determine influence of professionally applied physical preparation program on the level of students experimental group psychophysiological functions and compare gathered information with the results of verification group.Following methods of theoretical and empirical research used to achieve the formulated goals:1. General scientific theoretical methods: analyses of the pedagogical, educational and methodical literature; comparison - for the clarification of current state of theory and practice in the physical preparation process in the technical universities; generalization - for the acquiring theoretical and empirical material.2. Empirical: pedagogical observation; biomedical and pedagogical testing - for the diagnosis of students psychophysiological condition. Testing the level of physiological functions occurred at the end of the 5th year of study. Latent reactions periods determination of choice two of the three stimulus and simple visual-motor reaction, occurred using the device developed by professor M. Makarenko in Physiology of higher nervous activity laboratory of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology.3. Digital array processing methods of Mathematical Statistics - or the experimental research results processing and interpretation.88 male students of "Lviv Polytechnic" National University took part in the research. Students were distributed in 2 research groups (experimental group and verification group). Research was conducted during the 2012 2015 academic year. …
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