Numerical models of perfused hyperthermia phantoms

Finite difference numerical models based on bioheat transfer [H. H. Pennes, J. Appl. Physiol. 1, 93–122 (1948)] and incomplete countercurrent heat exchange [S. Weinbaum and L. M. Jiji, J. Biomech. Eng. 107, 121–139 (1985)] have been developed and tested. Predicted performance of hyperthermia phantoms heated by ultrasound applicators will be compared with actual performance to validate the models. The models will then be used as aids in designing ultrasound applicators to produce heat deposition patterns believed advantageous for hyperthermia treatment of experimental animals and patients. The 3D models admit adiabatic or isothermal boundaries and arrays of paired, straight tubules for counter current heat exchange. Results of parametric variations will be shown. Preliminary results obtained by using as inputs the design parameters for a proposed kidney phantom perfused at 110 ml/100 g (of tissue‐equivalent gel) per minute have yielded satisfactory time constants on the order of 150 s. When the simulated u...
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