New opportunities to redesign the capacity of extension and advisory services amid COVID-19 pandemic

First paragraph: Agricultural extension and advisory services (AEAS) aim to improve the capacity of resource-poor farmers in terms of farm practices and market participation, formation of social groups and pro­ducer associations, conflict regulation and/or overall political empowerment by providing access to the necessary knowledge, information, and technologies. AEAS may also provide important contributions to building the resilience of resource-poor farmers against COVID-19 turbulences by increasing their accessibility to information and inputs. Yet, AEAS globally are under tremendous pressure after the onslaught of COVID-19. Mobility of advisors has been temporarily suspended, regular services have been disrupted, and tension among farmers is on the rise. Farmers and extension personnel are in­creasingly concerned that a continuing pandemic will negatively affect productivity, aggravate economic problems, and ultimately threaten the existence of many farm enterprises. . . .
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