Проектирование литниковых систем для литья сложных пластиковых отливок в силиконовые формы

We consider several types of gating systems for molding polyurethane complex silicone mold, in order to assess the occupancy of the casting.For the study was designed and engineered 3D models of castings from the top and side of the gating system.The calculation of the elements of gating systems for two-component cold-cast polyurethanes according to the procedure to determine the total cross section of the riser for metal castings.Subsequent analysis of the calculation in the software package ProCAST showed that it is more expedient to produce quality castings used for pouring polyurethane silicone mold top runner system.The work established that the application software system for evaluating ProCAST pouring polyurethane silicone mold, allows you to adjust the design of the gating system at the stage of designing.
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