Herpes Simplex Virus 1 ICP34.5 Alters Mitochondrial Dynamics in Neurons.

: Expression of viral genes and activation of innate antiviral responses during infection result in an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) and toxic byproducts of energy metabolism which can lead to cell death. The mitochondrion and its associated proteins are crucial regulators of these responses and related pathways such as autophagy and apoptosis. Through a mass spectrometry approach, we have shown that the herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) neurovirulence- and autophagy- modulating protein ICP34.5, interacts with numerous mitochondria-associated factors. Specifically, we showed that amino acids 68 to 87 of ICP34.5, the domain that binds Beclin1 and controls neurovirulence, is necessary for interactions with PGAM5, KEAP1 and other regulators of the antioxidant response, mitochondrial trafficking, and programmed cell death. We further show that while this domain interacts with multiple cellular stress response factors, it does not alter apoptosis or antioxidant gene expression. That said, the attenuated replication of a recombinant virus lacking residues 68 - 87 (termed Δ68-87) in primary human fibroblasts was restored by addition of ferric nitrate. Furthermore, in primary mouse neurons, the perinuclear localization of mitochondria that follows infection with HSV-1 was notably absent following Δ68-87 infection. Through this 20 amino acid domain, ICP34.5 significantly reduces mitochondrial motility in axons of neurons. We propose the hypothesis that ICP34.5 promotes perinuclear mitochondrial localization by modulating transport of mitochondria through interaction with PGAM5. These data expand upon previous observations of altered mitochondrial dynamics following alphaherpesvirus infections and identify a key determinant of this activity during HSV-1 infections.IMPORTANCE Herpes simplex virus persists lifelong in neurons and can reactivate to cause recurrent lesions in mucosal tissues. A key determinant of virulence is the viral protein ICP34.5, of which residues 68 to 87 significantly contribute to neurovirulence through an unknown mechanism. Our report provides evidence that residues 68 - 87 of ICP34.5 are required for binding mitochondria-associated factors. These interactions alter mitochondrial dynamics in neurons thereby facilitating viral replication and pathogenesis.
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