Effectiveness of G-Learning Math Class in Increase of Math Achievement of K-5 Students in USA

This study suggests effects and procedure of G-Learning math class which had implemented toward a class of K-5 for 6 weeks in La Ballona elementary school located in Culver City, LA in USA. For designing G-Learning math class, developing the G-Learning contents, constructing teaching and learning model, publishing the teacher and student's book and conducting teacher training were carried out. As for the results, the achievement score of G-Learning class rose 12 points which marked higher improvement than the compare class. Also in G-Learning class, the score of 1/3 lower achievement group increased 22 points and 1/3 higher achievement group rose 9 points with statistical significance. Moreover, after G-Learning math class, interest and awareness to effectiveness toward G-Learning math was positively increased. 접수일자 : 2012년 01월 30일 심사완료 : 2012년 02월 14일 교신저자(Corresponding Author) : 원은석
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