Real World Data Analysis of Coagulation Factor IX Costs in Specific Patients with Hemophilia B Switching from Standard Half-Life to Extended Half-Life Products

Introduction: Hemophilia B, an X-linked genetic disease characterized by low clotting factor IX (FIX) levels, leads to spontaneous and traumatic bleeding in affected individuals. Intravenous FIX replenishment is administered to maintain adequate levels. The recent introduction of an extended half-life (EHL) FIX replacement product provided the opportunity to compare costs of care associated with treatment with an EHL product versus a standard half-life (SHL) product. Methods: The Truven Marketscan US claims database (Oct 2010 - Apr 2016) was used to identify factor concentrate charges for patients who had claims data for at least 3 months prior to and after switching from SHL to EHL products. Additionally, available data for up to 12 months pre- and post-switch on these identified patients were analyzed. Results: Thirteen patients, ranging from 3-64 years of age (median 18) were included in the analyses. Factor concentrate costs were higher after switch from SHL to EHL in each of the time periods examined (Table). Median costs were used since they were less influenced by isolated outliers and were similar to means in most cases. The median costs were 238% higher in the 3 months just after switching to the EHL product compared to the 3 months just prior to switching from the SHL product. Median costs were $51,881, $79,654, $75,695 and $61,515 in the 12-10, 9-7, 6-4 and 3-1 months prior to switch respectively compared to $173,515, $147,061, $149,971 and $207,973 in the corresponding quarterly month intervals post switch. Conclusion: This analysis of real world administrative data following individual patients through the switch from SHL to EHL products continuum suggests that switching from an SHL to an EHL product is associated with increased median factor costs throughout the 12 months following the switch, and that further analysis with larger numbers of patients should be explored. Disclosures Tortella: Pfizer Inc: Employment. Fogarty: Pfizer Inc: Employment. Alvir: Pfizer Inc: Employment. McDonald: Pfizer Inc: Employment. Spurden: Pfizer Inc: Employment. Pleil: Pfizer Inc: Employment.
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