Current Concepts Review Update: Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy:

Approximately 6% of the general population reports Achilles tendon pain during their lifetime.63 Of these patients, roughly one-third will have insertional Achilles tendinopathy (IAT).55,58,63,83 Patients with IAT often report stiffness that is aggravated by prolonged rest as well as pain that is aggravated by physical activity. Patients often report that their symptoms limit their activity at work and participation in sports. In addition, because of sensitivity over the posterior heel, many struggle with shoewear. This Current Concepts Review provides an update to Dr Irwin’s review and highlights evidence on treatment published since the previous 2010 publication.50 In addition, this update provides Levels of Evidence and Grades of Recommendation for treatment recommendations (Table 1) that are consistent with the previous and recently published reviews.20,50 Table 1 Levels of Evidence and Grades of Recommendation.
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