[HTLV-I associated myelopathy (HAM) and sarcoid myopathy].

A 65-year-old house-wife developed dirty erythematous rash on her face in April, 1989. Almost simultaneously, she complained of muscle soreness and weakness on both lower extremities. Pathological findings of the skin biopsy at that time was consistent with those of sarcoidosis with moderate inflammatory cell infiltration. In December, 1989, when she was admitted to our hospital, her lower extremities were paretic with marked spasticity, and mild bladder dysfunction was noted. HTLV-I antibody titers in serum and cerebrospinal fluid were significantly elevated. Biopsied limb skeletal muscle revealed the findings of the sarcoid myopathy with small inflammatory cell infiltration in endomysium. HLA haplotypes showed A24, B7, BW61, CW7, CW8, DR1 and DR4 which show relatively common types of those in HAM. Corticosteroid treatments including the methylprednisolone pulse therapy healed the skin lesion, but did not improve her neurological signs. Paraplegia and urinary disturbance were progressive. It is concluded that the inflammatory sarcoid myopathy with HAM in this patient may be caused by a common abnormal immunological background.
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