Epidemiological data and correlation with bronchoscopic findings in first diagnosis of lung cancer in the last 3 years in a tertiary Greek hospital

Introduction: Lung cancer remains in Europe the second most frequent type of malignancy. In Greece, even though the incidence of lung cancer continues to grow, there is not enough epidemiological data. Our aim was to conduct a retrospective epidemiological study using the large pool of data from our Bronchoscopic Unit. Methods: In a total of 235 patients, diagnosed with lung cancer by histological and/or cytological bronchoscopic findings(2009-2011), we conducted a correlation between demographic and medical data at the time of diagnosis with the type of lung cancer. Results: The mean age of first diagnosis was between 60-70 years (33%) and the male to female ratio was 3.8:1. There was no significant difference between the three most common histological types (ADLC -24%, SqCLC-21%, SCLC-22%), and 1/4 of the patients were found to have distal locations at the time of diagnosis. The smoking history of the patients had the strongest correlation with all lung cancer types.The most common first symptom was persistent cough for ADCL (18%), haemoptysis for SqCLC (21%) and symptoms of advanced disease in SCLC (25%). In all types of cancer, the most common radiologic finding was lung nodule (60%),the main endobronchial finding was a mass causing obstruction of the bronchus (45%) and almost half of the patients (45%) had lymphnodes hyperplasia. Discussion: In contrast with European data, the SCLC retains a high percentage between all histological types of lung cancer. Smoking is confirmed to have the strongest correlation with all lung cancer types. The mean age of first diagnosis is lower than expected from studies conducted in the US.
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