Unsupervised Freeview Groupwise Cardiac Segmentation Using Synchronized Spectral Network

The diagnosis, comparative and population study of cardiac radiology data require heart segmentation on increasingly large amount of images from different modalities/chambers/patients under various imaging views. Most existing automatic cardiac segmentation methods are often limited to single image segmentation with regulated modality/region settings or well-cropped ROI areas, which is impossible for large datasets due to enormous device protocols and institutional differences. A pure data-driven unsupervised segmentation without regulated setting requirements is crucial in this scenario, and will significantly automate the manual work and adopt the various changes of modality, subject or view. In this paper, we propose a general unsupervised groupwise segmentation: a direct simultaneous segmentation for a group of multi-modality, multi-chamber, multi-subject ( M3) cardiac images from a freely chosen imaging view. The segmentation can directly perform not only on regulated two/four-chamber images, but also on non-regulated uncropped raw MR/CT scans. A new Synchronized Spectral Network (SSN) is developed for the simultaneous decomposing, synchronizing, and clustering the spectral features of free-view M3 cardiac images. The SSN-based groupwise analysis of image spectral bases immediately leads to groupwise segmentation of M3 freeview images. The segmentation is quantitatively evaluated by three datasets (MR and CT mixed) with more than 200 subjects. High dice metric ( ) is consistently achieved in validation. Our method provides a powerful tool for medical images under general imaging environment.
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