Raman Spectra of Anode and Cathode Materials

The lithium-ion technology has opened a wide research field both in material physics and chemistry to achieve a class of materials for high voltage cells. At present, the lithium ion battery technology seems to have the potential to satisfy all requirements of high energy, high power applications, and to meet the low cost demands. However, there remain several key materials issues, which need to be solved. Tn the area of cathode materials, extensive investigations on the requirements of optimum-ideal cathode system have shown that, layered oxides are the most promising systems with great potential for structural improvements for long cycle life [1,2]. The characterization of the new materials and the ultimate goal of correlating structural characteristics with physical and chemical properties, demands the use of a broad range of techniques that could provide the information to established the sought correlation’s. Vibrational spectroscopy is one of the most powerful techniques available for materials characterization [3].
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