A time purified/separated antiproton beam at the AGS

A 1 km antiproton beam has been designed for construction at the AGS. The momentum band can be varied between ±0.3% to ±1.0%, and the resolution for tagged particles will be δp/p∼10−4 at beam rates as high as 106 p/s. Separation by decay purification will be on the order of 1 p/10(π−+μ−). This beam will be used in a detailed investigation of Charmonium including a measurement of the χ widths. We will also search for expected but as yet unseen states, and search for possible I=1 events which would imply the existence of four quark states. This facility will also lend itself to a wide variety of exciting physics such as the proton form factor including both e+e− and γγ final states, two‐body hadron final states, antinucleus yields, and possibly tagged hadron beams (i.e., Λ, Ξ, etc.). When heavy ions become available at the AGS, one can measure various long lived particle yields. Finally, with as many as 107 polarized muons in the beam, one has the possibility to use them for nuclear structure studies.
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