IoT Based Technique for Household Rainwater Harvesting

In this paper, a more efficient way of rainwater harvesting is proposed. Due to vast globalization, urbanization and modernization the quality of our surroundings is degraded, which in turn, affects the natural phenomenon of rains too. The burning of fossil fuels at a vast level, the fumes from the exhaust of automobiles and oil refineries lead to the formation of toxic gases like sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide etc. These gases get transported by air and wind currents. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide mixes with water and other material to form sulphuric acid and nitric acid and cause acid rain. The problem in harvesting rainwater arises here as this water is not suitable for use and storing it in the same reservoir in which the water of slightly better quality get stored, can lead to degradation of that water too. Using technological enhancements this problem can be dealt with. As we know the filtration processes is quite expensive, so if we can check the quality of water before storing it into reservoir or sending it to ground water table. It would be easier to decide for what purpose we can use the harvested water and also we can save the groundwater from getting polluted by the acid rainwater.
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