Management of iatrogenic perforations during colonoscopy.

OZET Amac: Kolon perforasyonu, rutin ya da tedavi amacl› yap›lan kolonoskopinin en korkulan komplikasyonlar›ndan biri haline gelmifltir. Bu komplikasyonun tedavisi takip s›ras›nda hastan›n durumuna ba¤l›d›r. Tedavi ac›k ya da laparoskopik acil cerrahi olabilece¤i gibi, konservatif de olabilir. Kolonoskopi s›ras›nda rektal retrofleksiyonun yaralanmas›n da genellikle perforasyon riski dufluktur ve yine bu hastalar›n tedavisi operasyon gerektirmeyebilir. Biz bu yaz›da, elektif kolonoskopi s›ras›nda meydana gelen kolon perforasyonu geliflen hastalar›m›z› ve tedavi yontemlerini sunduk. Hastalar ve Yontemler: Aral›k 2005 ile Aral›k 2010 aras›nda kolonoskopi yap›lm›fl hastalardan perforasyon geliflen hastalara ait bilgiler retrospektif olarak de¤erlendirildi. Bulgular: Yukar›daki tarihler aras›nda 5825 hastaya kolonoskopi yap›lm›fl, 3 hastada perforasyon ABSTRACT Purpose: Perforation of colon has become one of the most fearsome complications of routine or therapeutic colonoscopy. The treatment is immediate surgery via open or laparoscopic technique. However, rectal retroflexion injury during colonoscopy is associated with a low rate of perforation and the cases can be managed non-operatively. We report our series of colonic perforation due to elective colonoscopy and management of the cases. Patients and Methods: Iatrogenic perforation of the colon due to colonoscopy were collected retrospectively at our unit between dates December 2005 December 2010. Results: Of the 5825 colonoscopies performed between the above mentioned dates, a perforation rate of 0.051% was observed and three perforations occurred. Conclusion: Each treatment has to be individualized
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