Thermal structure of low-grade accreted Lower Cretaceous distal turbidites, the Central Pontides, Turkey: insights for tectonic thickening of an accretionary wedge

Abstract: Albian-Turonian subduction-accretionary complexes are exposed widely in the Central Pontides. A major portion of the accretionary complexes is made up of a metaflysch sequence consisting of slate/phyllite and metasandstone intercalation with blocks of marble, Na-amphibole bearing metabasite, and serpentinite. The metaflysch sequence represents distal parts of a large Lower Cretaceous submarine turbidite fan deposited on the Laurasian active continental margin that was subsequently accreted and metamorphosed during the Albian. Raman spectra of carbonaceous material of the metapelitic rocks revealed that the metaflysch consists of metamorphic packets with distinct peak metamorphic temperatures. The majority of the metapelites are low-temperature (ca. 330°C) slates characterized by lack of differentiation of the graphite (G) and D2 defect bands. They possibly represent offscraped distal turbidites along the toe of the Albian accretionary wedge. Other phyllites are characterized by a slightly pronounced G band with a D2 defect band occurring on its shoulder. Peak metamorphic temperatures of these phyllites are constrained to 370-385 °C. The phyllites are associated with a strip of incipient blueschist facies metabasites and are found as a sliver within the offscraped distal turbidites. We interpret the phyllites as underplated continental sediments together with oceanic crustal basalt along the basal dA©collement. Tectonic emplacement of the underplated rocks into the offscraped distal turbidites was possibly achieved by out-of-sequence thrusting causing tectonic thickening and uplift of the wedge.
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