Thermal and non-thermal leptogenesis in different neutrino mass models with tribimaximal mixings

In the present work we study both thermal and non-thermal leptogenesis in all neutrino mass models describing the presently available neutrino mass patterns. We consider the Majorana CP violating phases coming from right-handed Majorana mass matrices to estimate the baryon asymmetry of the universe, for different neutrino mass models namely degenerate, inverted hierarchical and normal hierarchical models, with tribimaximal mixings. Considering two possible diagonal forms of Dirac neutrino mass matrix as either charged lepton or up-quark mass matrix, the right-handed Majorana mass matrices are constructed from the light neutrino mass matrix through the inverse seesaw formula. Only the normal hierarchical model leads to the best predictions for baryon asymmetry of the universe, consistent with observations in both thermal and non-thermal leptogenesis scenario. The analysis though phenomenological may serve as an additional information in the discrimination among the presently available neutrino mass models.
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