Large magnetocaloric effect in Er12Co7 compound and the enhancement of δTFWHM by Ho-substitution

Abstract Polycrystalline monoclinic Er 12 Co 7 compound with a large magnetocaloric effect (MCE) was synthesized. The maximum values of the magnetic entropy change (ΔS M ) under the field changes of 0–2 T and 0–5 T reach 10.2 J/kgK and 18.3 J/kgK, respectively. In order to gain further insight in understanding the MCE, samples with various Ho substitutions for Er were fabricated and studied. It was found that Ho-substitution makes a great impact on the magnetic properties and MCE of Er 12 Co 7 compound. Through compositional optimization, the mixed product of Ho 12 Co 7 and Er 6 Ho 6 Co 7 with the weight ratio of 58:42 was tailored to exhibit the best MCE performance. The maximum value of ΔS M , the full width at half maximum of ΔS M -T curve and the refrigerant capacity of the mixed compound are calculated to be 16.7 J/kgK, 37.9 K and 522 J/kg, respectively.
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