Prototype development of National Cattle Identification and Database System based on information technology

The population of cattle in Indonesia reaches 17 million in 2018, but until now Indonesia does not yet have an integrated identification and recording system for cattle between farmers and / or farmer groups and the government, in this case the Livestock Service Office. The objective of this research is to build a prototype of national cattle identification and database system based on information technology. The prototype development system uses a prototyping method, preceded by surveys and interviews with farmers in several locations, namely Kupang Regency, Kupang Municipality, Tuban, Bogor and Bojonegoro. The result of this research is a prototype of a national cattle identification and database system that can be accessed using computers and smartphones by actors in the livestock industry. Cattle will obtain an identity in the form of a code written into the RFID tag issued by the district or municipal Animal Husbandry Service and recorded in a database. The identity is unique, that no cattle will have the same identity and it is valid for life. Farmers, farmer groups and companies engaged in livestock farming will also be recorded in the database so that it will facilitate national cattle management. The resulting prototype will be a model of a livestock database system in Indonesia.
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