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Anşa Bacılılarda Adak

Bu calisma, adak rituelini Ansa Bacililar orneginde islevsel bir yaklasimla ele almayi kendisine konu edinmistir. Adak rituelinin topluluk hayatinda yerine getirdigi islevlerini ortaya koymayi amaclamaktadir. Bu calisma etnografik bir yontemle Tokat-Zile’nin ve Yozgat-Cekerek’in Ansa Bacili topluluguna mensup koylerinde gerceklestirilmistir. Etnografik alan arastirmasi iki ayri zaman diliminde yurutulmustur. Ilki, Nisan 2009 ve Nisan 2012 tarihleri arasinda genel olarak Ansa bacililarin gundelik hayatlarini konu alan bir saha arastirmasi yapilmistir. Mayis 2014 ve Temmuz 2015 tarihleri arasinda Ansa Bacililarin adak inanc ve rituellerine odaklanan bir alan arastirmasi gerceklestirilmistir. Her iki alan arastirmasinda da katilimci gozlem ve derinlemesine gorusmelerle veriler olusturulmustur. Veriler belirlenen kategorilere gore siniflandirilmis, betimlenmis ve islevselci bir bakis acisiyla degerlendirilmistir. Ansa Bacililarda adak ve lokma sunumlarinda “ben veriyorum ki karsilik olarak sen de ver” ilkesinin yer aldigi degis-tokus gorulmekte, birey ile kutsallik arasinda kutsanmis bir hediyeyle karsilikli bir anlasmanin oldugu anlasilmaktadir. Bu anlasma sonunda sukran kurbani gerceklesmektedir. The main objective of this paper is to assess the ritual of vowing with a functional approach in the case of Ansa Bacililar. The paper also aims at revealing the functions carried out by the ritual of vowing in the community life. The study has been conducted with a ethnographic method in the villages of Tokat-Zile and Yozgat-Cekerek, all of which are affiliated with the community of Ansa Bacili. The ethnographic field survey has been performed in two separate periods of time. Having been carried out between April 2009 and April 2012, the first generally took the daily life of Ansa Bacililar as topic. The second one between May 2014 and July 2015 mostly focused on the vowing beliefs and rituals of Ansa Bacililar. The data was compiled with participatory observation and in-depth interviews for both the field surveys. Having been classified according to the determined categories, all the data was then characterized and assessed with a functionalist point of view. In the offerings of vow and lokma among Ansa Bacililar, a kind of exchange the essence of which depends on the principle 'do ut des' is observed, and it is concluded that there is a mutual agreement between the individual and holiness via a sanctified gift. At the end of this agreement, thanksgiving sacrifice is applied.
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