Assessment of Platelet Function in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Previously Treated with Aspirin

Background Platelet inhibition measured by platelet function tests could be critical to understand the reasons for early recurrence and to guide therapeutic recommendations. We assess the platelet function during the acute phase of ischemic stroke in patients pretreated with aspirin who continue their treatment with aspirin only, are started on clopidogrel only, or add clopidogrel to aspirin. Methods Sixty-four patients were taking aspirin before the stroke. Depending on the administered antiplatelet, 3 groups were defined: ASA: patients who continued on aspirin orally or intravenous acetylsalicylate of lysine, n = 30; CLO: patients who discontinued aspirin and were started on clopidogrel, n = 16; and ASA + CLO: patients who were prescribed both aspirin and clopidogrel, n = 10. Collagen-induced thromboxane A 2 (TXA 2 ) synthesis, ADP (adenosine diphosphate)-induced aggregation, and occlusion time (PF-100) were measured. Results CLO group only had a marked elevation of TXA 2 (17.44 ± 15.62 ng/mL, P  = .000) and a shortening of the platelet function analyzer (PFA)-100 closure time (157.13 ± 88 seconds, P  = .047) compared with the other 2 groups (ASA: TXA 2 , .62 ± 1.59 ng/mL; ASA + CLO: TXA 2 1.79 ± 4.59 ng/mL). They achieved a small (13%) but significant reduction of ADP-induced aggregation (87.00 ± 23.06 mm, P  = .008) compared with the ASA group (102.82 ± 22.38 seconds). Conclusions Stopping aspirin intake within the first 72 hours of the acute stroke drastically increases TXA 2 synthesis. During the same time window, the freshly prescribed clopidogrel manages to reduce the ADP-induced aggregation only slightly (13%). This study offers analytic proof that the common practice of replacing aspirin with clopidogrel does not leave stroke patients fully protected during the first days after an ischemic stroke. Possible solutions could be to preserve aspirin during a few days or to use loading doses of clopidogrel at hospital admission.
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