(Re-)Creating the past: 10 years of digital historical reconstructions using BIM

Starting in 2003 the Department of Architecture of the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) has conducted digital reconstructions as subject of several master’s dissertations. Over the years different topics have been the subject of study, ranging from Burgundian residences to lost religious heritage, thus addressing a range of methodological difficulties specific to dealing with historic architecture using modern technologies. As Historic Building Information Modeling (HBIM) has found its way to a broader audience over the last few years, attention must be paid to the methodology and the communication of these reconstructions towards a wider audience. Using these new technologies inevitably changes the perspective of the viewer, shifting from a distant observer to a close inspector (keeping in mind that many of the reconstructed elements were never supposed to be seen up close). Together with these new approaches new means of communication and visualization need to be realized, fitting the possibilities of the reconstructions.
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