The present state of family-centred obstetrics in hungary: Preparation for the delivery, open delivery-room, rooming-in

This paper gives details of a survey carried out at hospitals in Hungary to examine how widespread family-centred obstetrics is, and to what extent obstetrics departments are able to meet the increasing demands exerted by society. Several aspects were focused on, including the characteristics of obstetrics departments, the preparation for delivery and maternity, open delivery-rooms, delivery with the partner, early mother-baby contact, rooming-in and to what extent they operate. The study describes the findings on the basis of data sent back by 87 maternity departments, 81.3% of the institutions in the country. The data reveals mat 96.6% of wards have preparatory courses for delivery and maternity, 98.8% of open delivery-rooms welcome me partner at the delivery, early mother-baby contact is possible in 97.7%, and 95.6% offer rooming-in. The study gives a comprehensive view of the present state of family-centred obstetrics, offering an opportunity for everyone to re-evaluate their practices and set up new ...
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