Immunotherapy using purifi ed protein derivative in Immunotherapy using purifi ed protein derivative in the treatment of warts: An open uncontrolled trial the treatment of warts: An open uncontrolled trial

Background: Warts are known to clear spontaneously with the development of cell-mediated immunity (CMI) to the virus. Purifi ed protein derivative (PPD) of tuberculin bacilli has been used as a non-specifi c stimulant of CMI to achieve this outcome. Aim: To study the effect of PPD in the treatment of warts. Methods: Patients with diffi cult-to-treat warts were selected for immunotherapy. Each patient received 2.5 TU of PPD intralesionally in a few warts. A total of four sessions were given at 2 weekly intervals and patients were followed up for 6 months after the last dose. Results: Sixty-one patients were recruited of which 55 completed 6 months follow up and were available for analysis. Of these, 25 had verruca vulgaris, 18 had verruca plana and 12 had plantar warts. Forty two (76%) patients showed complete clearance after four sessions while the remaining 13 (24%) patients were non-responders. One patient developed a recurrence after total clearance during the follow-up period. Adverse effects were erythema, edema and pain at the site of injections. Limitations: As this was an uncontrolled trial, there is no comparison with a non-intervention group. Also, a Mantoux test was not done due to practical diffi culties. Conclusion: Immunotherapy with PPD is helpful in the treatment of cutaneous warts.
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