Stable Asymmetric Spike Equilibria for the Gierer-Meinhardt Model with a Precursor Field

Precursor gradients in a reaction-diffusion system are spatially varying coefficients in the reaction-kinetics. Such gradients have been used in various applications, such as the head formation in the Hydra, to model the effect of pre-patterns and to localize patterns in various spatial regions. For the 1-D Gierer-Meinhardt (GM) model we show that a simple precursor gradient in the decay rate of the activator can lead to the existence of stable, asymmetric, two-spike patterns, corresponding to localized peaks in the activator of different heights. This is a qualitatively new phenomena for the GM model, in that asymmetric spike patterns are all unstable in the absence of the precursor field. Through a determination of the global bifurcation diagram of two-spike steady-state patterns, we show that asymmetric patterns emerge from a supercritical symmetry-breaking bifurcation along the symmetric two-spike branch as a parameter in the precursor field is varied. Through a combined analytical-numerical approach we analyze the spectrum of the linearization of the GM model around the two-spike steady-state to establish that portions of the asymmetric solution branches are linearly stable. In this linear stability analysis a new class of vector-valued nonlocal eigenvalue problem (NLEP) is derived and analyzed.
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