A Case of Multiple Endobronchial Metastases from Prostatic Carcinoma

The lung is the most common site for the metastasis of extrapul monary malignant tumors. However, endobronchial metastases (EBM) from extrapulmonary malignant tumors are rare. The most common extrathoracic malignancies associated with EBM are the breast, renal and colorectal carcin omas. Lung metastasis from prostate cancer is often encountered but EBM is rare. We report a 74-year old man with e ndobronchial metastases from prostatic carcinoma presented with cough. The diagnosis of prostatic cancer and the endobronchial metastasis were confirmed by immunohistological staining with the prostate specific antigen. Hormonal therapy (lutenizing hormone releasing hormone agonist) was applied to this patient. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2006; 61: 162-166)Key words: Multiple endobronchial metastases, Prostatic cancerAddress for correspondence : Ju-Ock Kim, M.D.Department of Internal Medicine, Chungnam National University Hospital.Chung Gu Dae-Sa Dong 640. Taejeon.Phone : 042-220-7158 Fax : 042-257-5753 E-mail : jokim@cnu.ac.krReceived : Apr. 24. 2006Accepted : Jun. 30. 2006
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