Using Options for Knowledge Transfer in Reinforcement Learning TITLE2

One of the original motivations for the use of temporally extended actions, or options, in reinforcement learning was to enable the transfer of learned value functions or policies to new problems. Many experimenters have used options to speed learning on single problems, but options have not been studied in depth as a tool for transfer. In this paper we introduce a formal model of a learning problem as a distribution of Markov Decision Problems (MDPs). Each MDP represents a task the agent will have to solve. Our model can also be viewed as a partially observable Markov decision problem (POMDP), with a special structure that we describe. We study two learning algorithms, one which keeps a single value function that generalizes across tasks, and an incremental POMDP-inspired method maintaining separate value functions for each task. We evaluate the learning algorithms on an extension of the Mountain Car domain, in terms of both learning speed and asymptotic performance. Empirically, we find that temporally extended options can facilitate transfer for both algorithms. In our domain, the single value function algorithm has much better learning speed because it generalizes its experience more broadly across tasks. We also observe that different sets of options can achieve tradeoffs of learning speed versus asymptotic performance.
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