Albumin and alpha-fetoprotein gene transcription in rat hepatoma cell lines is correlated with specific DNA hypomethylation and altered chromatin structure in the 5' region.

Abstract We examined DNA methylation and DNase I hypersensitivity of the alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and albumin gene region in hepatoma cell lines which showed drastic differences in the level of expression of these genes. We assayed for methylation of the CCGG sequences by using the restriction enzyme isoschizomers HpaII and MspI. We found two methylation sites located in the 5' region of the AFP gene and one in exon 1 of the albumin gene for which hypomethylation is correlated with gene expression. Another such site, located about 4,000 base pairs upstream from the AFP gene, seems to be correlated with the tissue specificity of the cells. DNase I-hypersensitive sites were mapped by using the indirect end-labeling technique with cloned genomic DNA probes. Three tissue-specific DNase I-hypersensitive sites were mapped in the 5' flanking region of the AFP gene when this gene was transcribed. Similarly, three tissue-specific DNase I-hypersensitive sites were detected upstream from the albumin gene in producing cell lines. In both cases, the most distal sites were maintained after cessation of gene activity and appear to be correlated with the potential expression of the gene. Interestingly, specific methylation sites are localized in the same DNA region as DNase I hypersensitive sites. This suggests that specific alterations of chromatin structure and changes in methylation pattern occur in specific critical regulatory regions upstream from the albumin and AFP genes in rat hepatoma cell lines.
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