Perfiles de consumo televisivo: un estudio transcultural

espanolEn esta investigacion se parte de la idea basica de que el medio televisivo es un agente de socializacion en la adolescencia. Su objetivo general fue conocer algunos indicadores del perfil de consumo televisivo en una muestra transcultural de adolescentes. La muestra total estuvo compuesta por 1.238 participantes, pertenecientes a ocho regiones de diversos paises. El instrumento de medida utilizado fue el cuestionario de habitos televisivos (CH-TV.02). La recogida de datos se realizo a traves de una plataforma on-line y presencial. Respecto a los hallazgos encontrados, existen diferencias transculturales y significativas en los indicadores estudiados: actividades alternativas, razones de eleccion del personaje, identificacion con el personaje favorito y realismo percibido. En el analisis de resultados, destaca como actividad alternativa a ver la television estar con la familia, siendo la lectura una de las actividades a las que menos horas dedican. Asi mismo eligen a su personaje favorito, sobre todo, por su simpatia y humor y se identifican con el porque intentan ver las cosas desde su punto de vista EnglishThe basic hypothesis of this research project is that television is a force for socialization during adolescence. The general aim was to explore some of the indicators of the television viewing profile in a cross-cultural sample of adolescents. The total sample group comprised 1,238 subjects from eight regions in different countries. The measurement instrument used was the television viewing habits questionnaire (CH-TV.02). The data was collected both by means of an on-line platform and in person. The results revealed significant cross-cultural differences in all the indicators studied: alternative activities, reasons for choosing their favorite character, identification with their favorite character and perceived realism. Of special interest were the results regarding alternative activities to watching television, in which reading was one of the activities that subjects said they spent least time engaged in. Their favorite characters were mostly chosen for their friendliness and humor, and they identify with them because they try to see things from their point of view. They see television as being very realistic in how it presents the consequences of drugs and alcohol and very unrealistic in how it presents school situations. From an educational perspective, media narratives should be studied in the classroom in order to avoid mere passive reception and foster adolescents’ ability to decode the messages conveyed.
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