Pathway Dependent Isotopic Fractionation during Aerobic Biodegradation of 1 ,2-Dichloroethane

1,2-Dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) is a widespread groundwater contaminant known to be biodegradable under aerobic conditions via enzymatic oxidation or hydrolytic dehalogenation reactions. Current literature reports that stable carbon isotope fractionation of 1,2-DCA during aerobic biodegradation is large and reproducible (−27 to −33‰). In this study, a significant variation in the magnitude of stable carbon isotope fractionation during aerobic biodegradation was observed. Biodegradation in experiments involving microcosms, enrichment cultures, and pure microbial cultures produced a consistent bimodal distribution of enrichment factors (e) with one mean e centered on −3.9 ± 0.6‰ and the other on −29.2 ± 1.9‰. Reevaluation of e in terms of kinetic isotope effects 12k/13k gave values of 12k/13k = 1.01 and 1.06, which are typical of oxidation and hydrolytic dehalogenation (SN2) reactions, respectively. The bimodal distribution is therefore consistent with the microbial degradation of 1,2-DCA by two separate enzym...
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