Estudio lexicológico semántico sobre los verbos geben-bekommen y la relación antonímica de inversión

The research paper deals with the semantic relation of converses or relational antonyms. In this type of constructions is expressed reciprocity: passive voice in relation to active voice, the adverbs hinauf, hinunter, the substantives Eltern-Kind or the verbs like kaufen-verkaufen are relational opposites (x sells to y and y buys from x). Such pairs are converses. This paper shows the opposite geben- bekommen and other verbs, that are related to them. The principal aim of it is to make a profound study of the meaning of the verbs by differents semantic analysis. Another aim is to parse the relation of these converses. Through this study, I try to show how the meaning of the verbs has an influence on this semantic relation.
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