O-06 : A Cross Sectional Study of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Hepatitis B and C among Adolescents in Chitwan, Nepal

Aims: Adolescence age is a period of challenges and opportunities for understanding oneself within social context. Adolescents are more exposed to infectious diseases, like hepatitis B and C. Knowledge of hepatitis B and C has been reported to be low among respondents in different studies. We conducted cross-sectional study among adolescents of Chitwan, Nepal to ascertain their knowledge, Attitude, and practices regarding hepatitis B and C. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire consisting of questions to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices regarding hepatitis B and C infection, was duly filled by 150 adolescents. The data were entered and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 25. Results: Of the total 150 respondents, 63.3% were males. Only 65.3% of adolescents had knowledge on causative agent, 62.0% and 65.3% have knowledge on prevention from vaccination. Minority, had knowledge about transmission through unsterilized needle, mother to child during pregnancy and through blood and blood product I.e. 30.7%, 38.7% and 62% respectively. Only 17.3% respondent that, case can remain asymptomatic .More than 50% of adolescent had proper knowledge about Hepatitis B and C could be prevented by proper disposal of needle and sharp instruments, can be prevented by avoiding multi sexual partnership. Likewise, 54.7%, 62.0% adolescent respond that Hepatitis B can be severe and fatal, and can persist in body lifelong. Most of the adolescents reported they do not used globes while handling different body fluids and did not proper disposal of needle and sharps. Of total, 25.3% had history of needle stick injury but only 8.7% reported for the injury. Of total, 22.7% adolescents had been ever screened for hepatitis B or hepatitis C; 38% of the total had ask for new needle during piercing/tattooing. Of total, only 15.3% asked barber for new blade, 25.3% asked for new syringe to medical staffs, 23.3% ask dentist for sterilized instrument. Likewise, majority 90% and 80% respectively had used other used tooth brush/ razor, earrings and nail clippers. Conclusions: : Most of the adolescents were not aware about the hepatitis B and C. Attitude and Practice on mode of transmission and preventive measures were lacking.
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