Оценка оказания медицинской помощи на догоспитальном этапе у пострадавших с политравмой в дорожно-транспортных происшествиях арктической зоны Российской Федерации

Objective – to assess the capacity and quality of prehospital medical care for victims with polytrauma in road traffic accidents in the Arctic zone of Arkhangelsk region. Materials and methods. The study materials included a sample of 518 medical records (the form 003/u) from the victims of road traffic accidents (RTA) who were urgently transported to the multi-profile hospitals of Severodvinsk during the period from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2016. Results. The volume of prehospital medical care for the victims in road traffic accidents in the Arctic zone of Arkhangelsk region was analyzed. The following criteria of work of the ambulance teams were estimated: immobilization of injuries in victims, use of analgesics, characteristic of intravenous infusion with anti-shock medications, the time of reaching the place of an accident and time of the evacuation of victims from the place of an accident to the admission department of the multi-profile hospitals in Severodvinsk. Conclusion. Over 80 % of the victims received medical care in the place of road traffic accident in a time not exceeding 20 minutes, more than 90 % were delivered to the multi-profile hospitals in Severodvinsk within 40 minutes from the time of injury. At the pre-hospital stage, medical care was provided to the vast majority (p < 0.001) of victims with polytrauma, including: the use of anesthetics (92.8 %), injection of anti-shock medications (65.4 %), transport immobilization (90.9 %) and evacuation to the hospitals of Severodvinsk or Arkhangelsk. A significant part of victims with severe injuries did not receive adequate anti-shock therapy in the form of intravenous infusion (with multiple injuries – 29.2 %, with combined injuries – 79.1 % victims).
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