Photoaffinity Labeling with Progesterone-11α-Hemisuccinate-(2-[125I]Iodohistamine) Identifies Four Protein Bands in Mouse Brain Membranes

: The radiolabeled progesterone (PG) analogue progesterone-11α-hemisuccinate-(2-[125I]iodohistamine) was used to label PG binding proteins in brain membranes from mouse cerebellum. Photoaffinity labeling and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis identified specific PG binding protein bands 1–4 of 64−29 kDa. Bands 1 and 4 were well resolved on the gel and easily quantified. Preincubation with PG inhibited photolabeling in a dose-dependent manner. The labeling was specific with respect to steroid structure. For band 1, the extent of inhibition of labeling by PG and 3α,5α-pregnanolone (3α) was pronounced. Other steroids such as testosterone (Tes), estradiol (Est), and corticosterone (Cor) were less effective, whereas pregnenolone sulfate (PS) and cholesterol (Cho) were ineffective. With respect to band 4, Est was the most effective; PG, 3α, and Tes were intermediate; and PS, Cho, and Cor were ineffective. The results describe specific membrane proteins that bind PG (band 1) and Est (band 4).
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