Evaluation of exposure risk to tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) and prevention of infection outbreak. Experience in Alto Friuli

Introduction. Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus is diffused in Central and Eastern Europe Countries. After the occurrence of 2 cases of TBE in Alto Friuli (Italy), we have performed a study to evaluate the exposure riskto TBE virus in residents and in tourists visiting the villages in which the 2 TBE cases were reported and in people living in another village in Alto Friuli (control group). Methods. An informative meeting with residents, tourists, and practitioners of the involved villages was organized. Residents and tourists were invited to perform serological blood tests. People living in another village of Alto Friuli were the control group. Results. Globally, clinical history of tick bite was positive in 60-77.6% of people evaluated. Serologic tests were positive in 11.7, 6.2, and 0% of residents, tourists, and controls, respectively. Information from practitioners allowed to demonstrate that 2 suspected cases of encephalitis which occurred previously were TBE virus associated. Conclusions. Our study shows that the risk of infection was high in people living in the villages where TBE occurred. Our data induced us to organize a program including information, health education, and active immunization for people at risk.
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