Competence Improvement For Elementary School Teacher in Kecamatan Kedungjati Through Article Writing and Making Learning Media

This service activity is aimmat SD / MI teachers in Kecamatan Kedungjati  Grobogan in order to support the Minister of Administrative Reform and Reform Regulation Number 16 of 2009 concerning Teacher Functional Position and Credit Numbers, specifically article 17 which explains that the requirements for proposing promotion or teaching must be contains sub-elements of scientific publications on their credit score. This regulation came into force on January 1, 2013, this is different from previous years which only applies to proposals for promotion or rank IV / a teacher class above. Therefore, the need to write scientific papers is a very important requirement for teachers. This was also very much felt by elementary or elementary school teachers in Kecamatan Kedungjati  Grobogan, as stated by the Head of education  to the service team. To culture  scientific writing in the environment of elementary teachers in Kecamaan  Kedungjati  Grobogan , assistance is needed. For this reason, we consider the need to provide assistance in writing scientific articles and making learning media with proposal writing instruments, instruments  reports, to scientific articles. In addition, the service team also facilitates partners by assisting in making learning media. This is an effort to improve the quality of learning carried out in schools. Elementary  students still have a level of concrete thinking, so it would be better in learning to use a variety of learning media that can construct student knowledge. Keywords—mentoring, scientific articles, learning media, elementary teachers.
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