İnformal Eğitim Süresince Öğrencilerin Teknolojiye Dayalı Kazanımlarının Belirlenmesi / Determination of Technology Based Gains of Students During Informal Education
ABSTRACT Design studios have a multi-layered and integrative structure that involves different thinking and learning approaches. Outcomes are quite numerous and diverse in terms of the students. Therefore, various seminars, workshops, and many other events are organized by universities for this purpose in the education process. These activities help students to be successful in both the educational process and the business life. In this process, developing and changing technology has entered into education processes and has become a part of education. Thus, over time, the use of technology, as well as traditional methods, has become a necessity in architectural education institutions. Lessons with digital technologies have been added to current course contents. For students, these technologies are used as subsidiary tools in making the presentations. The international research and design seminar and workshop activity was held in Kyrenia on May 6-13, 2018, was organised by the Girne American University (GAU) Department of Interior Architecture and the International Centre for Heritage Studies for the first time. The event was carried out in collaboration with the University of Florence, the Sapienza University of Rome, the Ozyegin University and the Department of Antiquities and Museums (TRNC). The workshop consists of 11 scientific committee members 1 , 7 scientific coordinators 2 , 5 organization committee members 3 and 16 studio trainers 4 , who observed and led the process and studies during 8 days. The workshop trainers consist of 16 faculty member and PhD students totally, 13 of whom are from these universities and 3 5 of whom are from the Karadeniz Technical University. The aim of this study is to measure and evaluate the technological achievements provided to the students through this international workshop activity. The survey technique was used to find out what extent students benefit from the technology while expressing their projects and to question the achievements based on the technology through the workshop activity. The survey was conducted with 36 students who participated in this event. In the direction of the survey results, the most effective factors and variables were determined to put forward the technology achievements on the students. At the end of the study, the achievements of the students from the workshop activity, one of the informal training methods, were examined. SPSS 23.0 program was used for the statistical analyzes, which is based on the data of the survey. OZ Tasarim atolyeleri farkli dusunme ve ogrenme yaklasimlarini barindiran cok katmanli ve butuncul bir yapiya sahiptir. Kazanimlari ise ogrenciler acisindan oldukca fazla ve cesitlidir. Bu amacla egitim surecinde, cesitli seminerler, atolye calismalari ve daha benzeri bircok etkinlik universitelerce duzenlenmektedir. Bu etkinlikler ogrencilerin, hem egitim surecinde hem de is hayatinda basarili olabilmelerine yardimci olmaktadir. Bu surecte gelisen ve degisen teknoloji egitim sureclerine de girmis ve egitimin bir parcasi haline gelmistir. Boylece mimarlik egitim kurumlarinda zamanla geleneksel yontemlerin yaninda teknoloji kullanimi bir ihtiyac haline gelmistir. Mevcut ders iceriklerine dijital teknolojileri iceren dersler eklenmistir. Bu teknolojiler ise, ogrencilerin sunumlarini gerceklestirmelerinde, yardimci araclar olarak kullanilmaktadir. 6-13 Mayis 2018 tarihinde Girne’de gerceklesen ‘Reading and Designing the Kyrenia Castle: Enhancing Heritage in The Historical Landscape’ uluslararasi arastirma, tasarim semineri ve atolye etkinligi, Girne Amerikan Universitesi (GAU) Ic Mimarlik Bolumu ve Uluslararasi Kulturel Miras Calismalari Merkezi tarafindan ilk kez duzenlenmistir. Etkinlik, Floransa Universitesi, Roma Sapienza Universitesi, Ozyegin Universitesi ve Eski Eserler ve Muzeler Dairesi (KKTC) isbirligi ile gerceklestirilmistir. 11 bilimsel komite uyesi, 7 bilimsel koordinator, 5 organizasyon komitesi uyesi ve 16 studyo egitmeni tarafindan yapilan atolye calismasi, 8 gunluk gozlem, deneyim ve uygulama surecini kapsamaktadir. Atolye egitmenleri, soz konusu universitelerden 13, Karadeniz Teknik Universitesi’nden 3 olmak uzere toplam 16 ogretim elemani ve doktora ogrencisinden olusmaktadir. Yapilan bu calismanin amaci, gerceklestirilen uluslararasi etkinligin ogrencilere sagladigi teknolojiye dayali kazanimlarin olculmesi ve degerlendirilmesidir. Atolye calismalari surecinde ogrencilerin projelerini ifade etme bicimlerinde teknolojiden ne derece yararlandiklari ve teknolojiye dayali kazanimlarinin sorgulanmasi icin anket (survey) teknigi kullanilmistir. Anket calismasi etkinlige katilan 36 ogrenci ile gerceklestirilmistir. Anket sonuclari dogrultusunda etkinligin ogrenciler uzerindeki teknoloji kazanimlarini belirlemede en etkili faktorler ve degiskenler ortaya konulmaya calisilmistir. Calismanin son asamasinda, informal egitim metotlarindan biri olan atolye calismasindan ogrencilerin teknolojiye dayali kazanimlari irdelenmistir. Arastirmada olusturulan verilerle gerceklestirilen istatistiksel analizler icin SPSS 23.0 programi kullanilmistir.
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